Low sperm count is a common cause for concern among a number of married men with problems of infertility. It can be very frustrating to be married for long & not be able to get your wife pregnant & have the joy of being a father. A normal man produce about 1,500 sperm per second
Read moreContraception is a very important tool both in preventing unwanted pregnancies in pre-marital partners as well as in family planning. Abortion is a major consequence of unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is still illegal in Nigeria, except for certain circumstances.Sadly, Unsafe Abortion is still being preformed by unlicenced individuals under unsafe conditions leading to deaths & various
Read moreSexually Transmitted Infections are one of the most common reasons for worry among adolescents & college students. There are a lot of persons walking with various forms of STIs. Delay in detection & treatment can lead to a number of complications in the future. Table of Content What are Sexually Transmitted Infections What are the
Read moreEver now & then, we hear stories of rape & domestic abuse meted out to our women who were vulnerable. We have seen stories of girls being raped in schools, at homes, in churches (imagine the effrontery), in hospitals, basically every places we can think of. Hence, a lot needs to be done to stem
Read moreOn this children day, we remember the dangers and long lasting effects of Female genital mutilation. Just imagine your face being cut severally with a sharp knife, up to a 100 times. Thats the type of pain that is felt during Female Genital Mutilation. Table of Content Female Genital Mutilation Health Risks Of INFIBULATION Short
Read moreDue to numerous questions & misconceptions about the action & usage of Postinor-2, a popular contraceptive in Nigeria, we have decided to put up this little summary about the drug. Postinor-2 is a popular emergency contraceptive containing Levonorgestrel. It is also known as the “Morning-after-Pill” which describes its role as an emergency contraceptive taken by
Read moreA number of ladies, especially married women who do not want more children, or those who are trying to space their children have been asking this question on how to know their safe days, during which they can have sex & still not get pregnant. This is not exactly rocket science. Safe days refers to
Read moreIn a story shared by Popular Nigerian Doctor, @Aproko_Doctor, we feel a lot of Nigerians, especially the ladies find it difficult to purchase contraceptives meant from their own protection. This has been down to various religious, cultural or moral beliefs. However these acts make these persons very uneasy & ashamed to make these purchases. According
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